Dr. Victoria Nalule, an Energy Law Expert from Bradford University, Socializes the Importance of ‘Critical Minerals’ in Energy Transition at Undip Faculty of Law

Dr. Victoria Nalule, an Energy Law Expert from Bradford University, Socializes the Importance of ‘Critical Minerals’ in Energy Transition at Undip Faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law at Diponegoro University (Undip) organized a special event on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, where Dr. Victoria Nalule, a lecturer from the School of Law at Bradford University, United Kingdom, and CEO of NAM Energy, was invited to speak on “Critical Minerals in The Energy Transition”. This event was held online through the Zoom platform and was attended by students and lecturers. The topic was relevant to global issues in the energy industry, making the event interesting and informative.
The event concluded with a Q&A session where students and lecturers were able to discuss various aspects of the topic with Dr. Nalule. This was an essential step in expanding understanding and awareness of the challenges and opportunities associated with sustainable energy development in the future.
Faculty of Law Undip Visiting Lecturer Discusses Climate Change Challenges and State Responsibility

Faculty of Law Undip Visiting Lecturer Discusses Climate Change Challenges and State Responsibility

On March 18, 2024, Diponegoro University’s Faculty of Law held a Visiting Lecturer event about climate change. The event, titled “No Country is an Island: Climate Breakdown and the Re-Imagination of State Responsibility”, aimed to discuss the state’s role in facing global environmental challenges. The keynote speaker, Dr. Bjorn Oliver-Magsig from the Faculty of Law of Victoria University of Wellington, presented his insights on how climate change has changed the paradigm of state responsibility. He urged for strong international cooperation in dealing with the environmental crisis.
The event was held through the Zoom platform and attended by dozens of UNDIP Faculty of Law students. Pulung Widhi Hananto, S.H., M.H., LL.M., acted as the moderator. During the question and answer session, students were active and shared their thoughts. “I felt inspired by the discussion that took place. This seminar opened our eyes about the importance of the state’s role in dealing with climate change,” said one of the participating students.
The event is expected to be a good start for collaborative efforts between stakeholders in facing increasingly complex environmental challenges. A deeper understanding of the state’s responsibilities in the context of climate change is hoped to pave the way for innovative solutions that can have a positive impact on the environment and society at large.
Undip Faculty of Law Held a Visiting Lecturer Event Titled “Implementing International Humanitarian Law: Where Are We Today?”

Undip Faculty of Law Held a Visiting Lecturer Event Titled “Implementing International Humanitarian Law: Where Are We Today?”

On March 8, 2024, the Faculty of Law at Diponegoro University (FH Undip) organized a Visiting Lecturer event titled “Implementing International Humanitarian Law: Where Are We Today?”. The event was conducted online via the Zoom platform and featured a renowned speaker in the field of International Humanitarian Law, Prof. Dr. Salawati Mat Basir from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. The event witnessed active participation from students and lecturers of the Undip Faculty of Law, who showed great interest and enthusiasm in the topics discussed.

During her presentation, Prof. Salawati provided a comprehensive overview of the challenges in implementing International Humanitarian Law in the current era. She also discussed the latest developments in the field and their impact on the current global humanitarian landscape. The discussion was moderated by Dr. Adya Paramita Prabandari, S.H., MLI, M.H., an international law lecturer from FH Undip, who ensured smooth flow and provided participants with the opportunity to share their views and queries.

According to Dr. Adya Paramita, the virtual platform allowed FH Undip to connect with Prof. Dr. Salawati Mat Basir from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia without being limited by geographical barriers. This event demonstrated FH Undip’s commitment to providing a platform for quality discussions and learning, even amid the current global challenges.

Judicial Practice Training “Dormiunt Aliquando Leges, Nunquam Moriuntur” with FH Undip and DPC Peradi Semarang City

Judicial Practice Training “Dormiunt Aliquando Leges, Nunquam Moriuntur” with FH Undip and DPC Peradi Semarang City

Semarang, March 6, 2024 – Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro (FH Undip) together with the Branch Leadership Council (DPC) of the Indonesian Advocates Association (Peradi) Semarang City held judicial practice training with the theme “Dormiunt Aliquando Leges, Nunquam Moriuntur”. The activity was held in room H.304, Prof. Building. Satjipto Rahardjo, Undip Faculty of Law aims to increase law students’ understanding of various aspects of procedural law in Indonesia.

Carrying a thought-provoking theme, “Dormiunt Aliquando Leges, Nunquam Moriuntur” which means “Law sometimes sleeps, but never dies”, this training aims to remind you that law is a living entity, continuously developing and relevant at all times.

Sambutan dekan di pelatihan praktik peradilan

This training was attended by Undip Law Faculty students. In this training, participants received a variety of material, starting from criminal procedural law, state administrative procedural law, religious court law, Constitutional Court procedural law, and civil procedural law, to commercial procedural law, including bankruptcy and PKPU. This activity will take place for 3 days, from March 6 to March 8, 2024.

According to Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum., Dean of FH Undip, this kind of activity is important to provide law students with a comprehensive understanding of various legal procedures in Indonesia. “The collaboration between FH Undip and DPC Peradi Semarang City is a strategic step to strengthen the knowledge and skills of judicial practice for students and legal practitioners,” he said.

Foto bersama peserta pelatihan praktik peradilan

Sementara itu, Ketua DPC Peradi Kota Semarang, Bambang Kusumo, menyambut baik kerjasama ini dan berharap melalui pelatihan ini, peserta dapat lebih siap menghadapi dinamika dunia peradilan yang terus berkembang. “Kami berkomitmen untuk terus mendukung kegiatan yang memperkaya pengetahuan dan keterampilan di bidang hukum,” ujarnya.

Pelatihan praktik peradilan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi platform yang berguna bagi para peserta dalam mengasah kemampuan praktik peradilan, serta mendorong keterlibatan mereka dalam dunia hukum yang dinamis dan terus berkembang.



FH Undip Organized Visiting Lecturer Activities on Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change

FH Undip Organized Visiting Lecturer Activities on Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change

Semarang, 05 March 2024 – The Faculty of Law Universitas Diponegoro (FH Undip) has held a Visiting Lecturer activity entitled “Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change: International Law and Global Governance”. This activity aims to discuss the impact of climate change on international human mobility as well as legal and global governance efforts that can be taken to deal with it. The event, which was held on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, online via Zoom Cloud Meeting, was attended by academics and students. This activity is a very valuable forum for exchanging views and knowledge on crucial issues related to climate change and human mobility.

Pemaparan materi Dr Mostafa

Present as a speaker on this occasion was Dr. Mostafa Naser from the School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University (ECU). In his presentation, Dr. Mostafa Naser emphasized that climate change and human mobility are a combination of cross-sectoral issues that must be of international concern. He added that Indonesia must have an interest in this issue, because as an archipelagic country, Indonesia will feel the earlier impact of climate change and its effect on human mobility.

Apart from that, in his conclusion, Dr. Mustafa Naser also stressed the importance of adopting a sensible long-term perspective on climate-related human mobility and the possibility of a global consensus emerging. The discussion participants were very enthusiastic about the presentation given, as seen from the participants’ participation in asking questions related to the material presented.

Foto Bersama Dr. Mostafa

Durham University Professor Gives Lecture on State Obligations Regarding Climate Change

Durham University Professor Gives Lecture on State Obligations Regarding Climate Change

Semarang, 29 February 2024 – The Faculty of Law Universitas Diponegoro held a Visiting Lecturer activity by inviting Prof. Dr. Iur. Volker Roeben, LL.M., from Durham University Law School to give a lecture with the theme “Obligation to Protect the Global Climate” via the Zoom Cloud Meeting platform. This activity is the first Visiting Lecturer agenda for Undip Law Faculty in 2024 and is attended by students and lecturers at Universitas Diponegoro Law Faculty.

Presentasi Prof Volker

By raising the theme of climate change, it is hoped that the participants, especially students at the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, can better understand the relationship between the state and its obligations towards climate change. On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Iur. Volker Roeben, LL.M. conveyed that there is a need for a global cooperation framework with an obligation for all countries to take a role in overcoming climate problems globally. Apart from that, the Durham Professor of International Environmental Law also conveyed the importance of developed countries being actively involved in providing facilities and support to overcome climate problems. Visiting Lecturer participants were very enthusiastic about welcoming the insights provided by Professor Volker, this was indicated by the large number of questioners during the discussion session.

Sesi diskusi Prof Volker

Sesi diskusi Prof Volker 2

Foto bersama Prof Volker


