by Baredi Syaifurakhman | May 27, 2024 | Faculty News
Semarang, May 27, 2024 – The opening of the highly anticipated summer course of the Faculty of Law of the University of Diponegoro, the 6th Lex Proficia 2024, was officially held today. With the theme “Triple Planetary Crisis and Humanitarian Crisis”, the event attracted participants from several other countries. The event focused on pressing environmental and humanitarian challenges. The opening ceremony was held online via zoom. It was attended by more than 120 participants, reflecting the widespread interest and concern for these crucial issues.

The event started with a welcome speech emphasizing the importance of an interdisciplinary approach in addressing the connections between environmental degradation, climate change, and humanitarian crises. This was followed by remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Law from the collaborating universities, the head of Diponegoro University’s international affairs office, and the Dean of Undip’s Faculty of Law. Dr. Tri Laksmi Indreswari spoke about the need for collaborative efforts across sectors and disciplines to overcome unprecedented challenges. The purpose of the summer course mentioned in the remarks is to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to develop sustainable solutions to the global crisis.

The 6th Lex Proficia 2024 will take place over two weeks. It will feature a series of lectures with expert speakers. Participants will have the opportunity to explore topics such as sustainable development, disaster risk reduction and the role of international law in the management of environmental and humanitarian crises.
by Baredi Syaifurakhman | May 19, 2024 | Faculty News
Semarang, May 18, 2024 – To celebrate its 67th anniversary, the Faculty of Law, University of Diponegoro (Undip) organized a healthy walk. The walk was held with enthusiasm and togetherness. Not only the faculty’s academic community participated in this event, but also the Faculty of Law (IKA FH Undip) alumni. The series of events began with morning exercises led by professional instructors. The aim of these exercises was to warm up the participants’ bodies before starting the healthy walk. The enthusiasm of the participants could be seen as they seemed to enjoy doing every single gymnastic move.

After the gymnastics, the event continued with the release of balloons to signify the start of the healthy walk. The Dean of Undip Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum. accompanied by the Vice Dean and the committee symbolically released colorful balloons into the air. The atmosphere was more festive as the balloons decorated the morning sky. After the release of the balloons, the participants started a healthy walk with a route around the Undip Tembalang campus. The predetermined route gave participants an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature while exercising, passing through various faculties and green areas of the campus.

The Healthy Walk ended with the distribution of prizes. Various attractive prizes were prepared by the committee, ranging from electronic gadgets to bicycles and motorcycles. The distribution of the prizes was the most anticipated moment by the participants, adding to the spirit and excitement of the event. Finally, the entertainment stage presented Tia AFI and Pagiboeta Band. Their performance successfully entertained and livened up the atmosphere with hit songs that invited the participants to sing and dance together. The excitement of this event showed the spirit of kinship and togetherness among all those present.
The 67th anniversary of Undip Law Faculty is not only a celebration, but also a momentum to strengthen the relationship among all faculty members and establish good relations with the surrounding community. Hopefully, this spirit of togetherness will be maintained and make Undip Faculty of Law even more successful in the future.
by fhd@nd@ | May 16, 2024 | Faculty News
The Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, held a visiting lecturer on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, entitled “The Insider Trading Practice in Malaysia.” The speaker was Prof. Dr. Hasani Mohd Ali, Business Law Expert from the National University of Malaysia. This visiting lecturer was held online.

In his presentation, Prof. Dr. Hasani Mohd Ali provided a comprehensive overview of insider trading, including legal definitions, law enforcement mechanisms, sanctions, and disclosure requirements.
Furthermore, Prof. Hasani also emphasized the diverse nature of insider trading, exploring legal definitions, law enforcement mechanisms, and the intricacies of disclosure requirements. This emphasizes the complexity and nuances surrounding insider trading, which ultimately aims to ensure fair and transparent practices in the securities market.
by Baredi Syaifurakhman | May 8, 2024 | Faculty News
The International Law Section together with the International Law Student Association (IMHI), Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, held a 2024 STUDIUM GENERAL INTERNATIONAL LAW SECTION with the theme: “Towards 100 years of Indonesia in 2024: INDONESIA IN THE INTERCONNECTED WORLD”. with speakers former Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E. Hassan Wirayuda, S.H., M.A.LD., LL.M, SJ.D., GCrs. Located in the main courtroom of Prof. Dr. Satjipto Rahardjo Building, S.H. Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University. Which was attended by several lecturers of the International Law Section and students of the Faculty of Law Undip.

The event was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H. M.Hum. who in her remarks said that the public lecture held aims to add insight and knowledge to students of the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University. Along with entering the 21st century. Indonesia looks to its future with a bigger vision, towards the centenary of its independence in 2025. The challenges and opportunities faced by Indonesia are no longer limited to the national territory, but are also closely connected to increasingly complex global dynamics.

One of the important concepts in Indonesia’s foreign policy is “Strategic Partnership”, which was promoted by H.E. Hassan Wirayuda, S.H., M.A.LD., LL.M, SJ.D., GCrs. as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. Pulung Widhi Hananto, S.H., M.H., LL.M. as the chairman of the organizing committee conveyed that this activity was held with the aim of: providing an understanding for the wider community, especially for the Faculty of Law community regarding Indonesia’s role and participation in the world political arena and the development of international law, Pulung who is also a Lecturer in the International Law Section of the Faculty of Law and Head of the Undip International office added that this activity is also expected to provide learning and information directly to the wider community, especially for Faculty of Law students regarding the challenges and implications of globalization and transnational challenges that can develop in the future.
by Baredi Syaifurakhman | May 8, 2024 | Faculty News
Semarang, May 7, 2024 – Universitas Diponegoro Faculty of Law held a special event by inviting an international law expert, Prof. Dr. Benedict Sheehy from the School of Law, University of Canberra. In the event themed “Comparative Law and Institutions in Asia: a case study of Comply or Explain, OECD, Malaysia & Philippines,” Prof. Benedict Sheehy discussed comparative legal systems and institutions in Asia. This Visiting Lecturer was held online through the Zoom Meeting platform.

In his presentation, Prof. Sheehy outlined a case study on the application of the “Comply or Explain” principle adopted by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and its implementation in Malaysia and the Philippines. This principle requires companies to comply with certain standards or explain the reasons why they do not follow them. The Dean of Undip’s Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum., revealed that the presence of Prof. Benedict Sheehy as a visiting lecturer is a valuable opportunity for students to deepen their understanding of law. “We are grateful for the valuable knowledge shared by Prof. Benedict Sheehy” said Prof. Retno.

This activity was also attended by students and lecturers of Undip Faculty of Law. An open discussion after the presentation provided space for the exchange of ideas and views related to comparative law in Asia. This Visiting Lecturer activity is expected to make a positive contribution to the understanding of comparative law and help strengthen the network of cooperation between Undip and international academic institutions.
by Baredi Syaifurakhman | May 7, 2024 | Faculty News
On Thursday, May 6, 2024, at the Main Conference Room of the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, the signing of the Cooperation Agreement between the Faculty of Law Undip and the School of Law and International Studies of Prasetiya Mulya University was held. Also participating at the signing table were Dean of the Faculty of Law Undip Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum. and Dean of the School of Law and International Studies of Prasetiya Mulya University H.E. Hassan Wirajuda, S.H., M.A.L.D., LL.M., S.J.D. The Deans were accompanied by the Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs of Undip Faculty of Law Dr. Tri Laksmi Indreswari, S.H., M.H., Vice Dean of Resources of Undip Faculty of Law Solechan, S.H., M.H., and Vice Dean of Human Resources and Finance Ulya Yasmine Prisandani, S.H., LL.M..

The cooperation script covers the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. Dean of FH Undip Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum. hopes that this collaboration can be well established. She also added “Hopefully the signing of this collaboration which includes: education, research, and community service can improve the scientific development of the legal field, both at FH Undip and at the School of Law and International Studies of Prasetiya Mulya University”. The event continued with the handover of plaques from FH Undip to the School of Law and International Studies of Prasetiya Mulya University and vice versa.

The signing of this collaboration was also attended by the Heads of Study Programs and Secretaries of study programs within FH Undip, Professors and lecturers of the International Law section, Head of Section, and invited guests. The event began with the opening, singing the Indonesia Raya song, prayer. Followed by remarks by the Dean of FH Undip and the Dean of the School of Law and International Studies of Prasetiya Mulya University. Then the core event was the signing of the Cooperation, hospitality, and ended with a closing.