Adjustment of Service Hours at Undip Faculty of Law During Ramadan

Adjustment of Service Hours at Undip Faculty of Law During Ramadan

Semarang – In welcoming the holy month of Ramadan, the Faculty of Law at Diponegoro University has adjusted its operational hours for academic and administrative services. This adjustment aims to continue providing optimal service to students, lecturers, and the general public during this blessed month.

The service hours during Ramadan are as follows:

  • Monday – Thursday: 08.00 AM – 03.00 PM (WIB)
  • Friday: 08.00 AM – 03.30 PM (WIB)

The Faculty of Law Undip remains solid and ready to provide the best service in this holy month with a spirit of togetherness and warmth.

Students and the public who require academic or administrative services are expected to adjust their arrival schedules to ensure they can be adequately served.

For further information, please visit the official website or monitor the social media account @law.undip.

Undip Faculty of Law Researchers Initiate Information Disclosure Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation

Undip Faculty of Law Researchers Initiate Information Disclosure Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation

Semarang, March 3, 2025 – Climate change is a global challenge that demands transparency and public engagement in every mitigation policy. Recognizing this urgency, a research team from the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University (FH Undip) initiated a study titled “Reconception of Information Disclosure Policy as an Effort to Support Adaptation to Climate Change (Comparative Study of Indonesia and South Korea).” This research is funded by the Directorate of Research, Technology, and Community Service (DRTPM) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, with a total grant of Rp. 135,650,000.

This research is led by Kadek Cahya Susila Wibawa, S.H., M.H., along with team members, namely Dr. Budi Ispriyarso, S.H., M.Hum., Dr. Muh. Afif Mahfud, S.H., M.H., and Dr. Aga Natalis, S.H., M.H. The main focus of this study is to analyze the existence of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) documents as public information in Indonesia and South Korea. NDC is a strategic document containing a country’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to address global climate change. However, implementing this policy still faces significant challenges, particularly in public engagement.

The Urgency of Information Disclosure in Climate Policy

Transparency in climate policy is key to ensuring that the public, private sector, academics, and media play an active role in formulating and implementing climate change mitigation strategies. Lack of access to information can hinder policy effectiveness and reduce public participation.

With a qualitative approach based on doctrinal and non-doctrinal law, this study compares the implementation of information disclosure in Indonesia and South Korea. Preliminary results indicate that although NDC in both countries has been recognized as public information, its implementation has significant disparities. South Korea is more progressive in prioritizing stakeholder engagement, while Indonesia still faces challenges in building cross-sectoral synergy.

Research Outputs and Expectations

This research is targeted to produce publications in reputable international journals indexed by Scopus, as well as copyright certificates in the form of posters & video profiles of research program results. Beyond academic publications, this research is expected to be a reference in strengthening information disclosure regulations and encouraging multi-sector collaboration to achieve sustainable development goals.

The Faculty of Law, Undip, continues to be committed to supporting innovative research that provides a real impact on society. Through this research, FH Undip hopes to contribute to promoting more inclusive, transparent, and public participation-based policies to address the increasingly complex challenges of climate change.

Inauguration of 2025 FH Undip Student Organization (Ormawa) Management and Advisors: Leadership Baton Officially Passed

Inauguration of 2025 FH Undip Student Organization (Ormawa) Management and Advisors: Leadership Baton Officially Passed

Semarang, February 27, 2025 – The Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University (FH Undip) once again inaugurated the Management and Advisors of Student Organizations (Ormawa) for the 2025 period. The event, held at the Samiadji Soerjotjaroko Building, FH Undip, specifically in the Fiat Justitia Room, became a critical moment for students to run the wheels of organization within the faculty.

In her speech, the Dean of FH Undip, Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum, expressed high appreciation to the previous management for their dedication and contribution to advancing student organizations. She also emphasized the importance of adaptive and innovative leadership in facing various challenges.

“Student organizations are a real leadership learning platform for students. Through Ormawa, you will learn how to manage programs, build networks, and positively impact the academic environment and society,” said Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs and the Vice Dean for Resources, supervising lecturers, and students from various organizations, such as the Student Senate, Student Executive Board (BEM), Faculty Student Activity Units (UKMF), and student associations in different study programs. The inauguration process was carried out symbolically but solemnly. All newly inaugurated Ormawa expressed their commitment to bring the organization in a better direction with innovative and impactful programs.
With this inauguration, it is hoped that the 2025 FH Undip Ormawa management can carry out their duties and responsibilities well and continue to contribute to creating a dynamic, inclusive, and highly competitive academic environment.

Undip Faculty of Law and Yogyakarta State Administrative Court Officially Establish Cooperation

Undip Faculty of Law and Yogyakarta State Administrative Court Officially Establish Cooperation

Yogyakarta, February 25, 2025 – The Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University (FH Undip) officially established cooperation with the Yogyakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN) in a cooperation agreement signing ceremony held at the Media Center Room of PTUN Yogyakarta. This collaboration aims to strengthen synergy in academic, research, and competency development for students and educators in state administrative law.

The event began with an opening session, followed by remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum. In her speech, she stated that this collaboration is a strategic step to improve the quality of learning and provide practical experience for students in understanding the judicial process in the PTUN environment. Subsequently, the Chairman of PTUN Yogyakarta, Dr. Nelvy Christin, S.H., M.H., also gave remarks. She appreciated the established cooperation and emphasized the importance of collaboration between judicial institutions and universities in supporting improving human resources in law.

The event’s highlight was signing a cooperation agreement between FH Undip and PTUN Yogyakarta. This agreement covers various aspects, including student internship programs, joint community service or scientific discussion forums/joint seminars/FGD, and other academic activities. After the signing ceremony, the event continued with a group photo session as a form of documentation and symbolization of the commitment of both parties. The event then concluded with a friendly gathering, allowing participants to discuss further implementing this cooperation in the future.

The event was also attended by several officials from PTUN Yogyakarta, including the Vice Chairman of PTUN Yogyakarta, Mr. Sarjoko, S.H., M.H.; Acting Secretary of PTUN Yogyakarta, Mrs. Rr. Asnuri Dwi Mastuti, S.H.; and Head of the Personnel, Organization, and Administration Subdivision of PTUN Yogyakarta, Mr. Mujikaryanto, S.Pd. With this cooperation, it is hoped that the Faculty of Law Undip students can gain deeper insights into state administrative law and enrich their academic experience.

Undip Faculty of Law Opens Registration for Independent Selection of Postgraduate Programs for the 2025/2026 Academic Year

Undip Faculty of Law Opens Registration for Independent Selection of Postgraduate Programs for the 2025/2026 Academic Year

Semarang: The Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University (FH Undip) has officially opened the Independent Selection Examination for the Master of Law, Master of Notary, and Doctor of Law Study Programs in the Odd Semester of Batch I for the 2025/2026 Academic Year.

Registration is online from February 11 to April 10, 2025, through the website. The selection consists of a Written Test, which will be held on April 19, 2025, and an Interview Test, which will take place on April 19-23, 2025, all conducted online. The selection results will be announced on May 6, 2025.

This program is open to Bachelor of Law graduates who wish to continue their education to a higher level in Legal Science and Notary. With a research-based curriculum and teaching from leading academics and legal practitioners, FH Undip is committed to producing competent and globally competitive graduates.

For prospective applicants, further information can be accessed through or the official channels of the Undip Faculty of Law.

FH Undip Expands International Network, Establishes Cooperation with University of Wollongong

FH Undip Expands International Network, Establishes Cooperation with University of Wollongong

The Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University (FH Undip) continues to demonstrate its commitment to realizing the vision of a World Class University by establishing a strategic partnership with the School of Law, University of Wollongong, Australia.

As an initial step in this collaboration, the leadership of FH Undip directly visited the University of Wollongong to discuss various academic cooperation agendas. The Dean of FH Undip, Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum. emphasized that this partnership is part of an effort to improve the quality of human resources with global standards. With this cooperation, FH Undip students and lecturers can access international academic experiences, broaden their horizons, and build networks with the global legal community.

This cooperation is expected to benefit FH Undip and contribute to the development of legal education in Indonesia. With the increasingly close academic relationship between FH Undip and the University of Wollongong, this step becomes an essential strategy for strengthening FH Undip’s position at the international level.
