Two Undip Faculty of Law Student Delegation Teams under the coordination of UKMF Pseudorechtspraak successfully achieved proud achievements by getting 1st Winner and 1st Runner Up and won individual awards as 1st – 2nd Best Oralist and Top Memorial at the IMCC INTERNATION 2023 competition organized by the ILSA chapter of Universitas Airlangga.

Following are the names of the members of the delegation team, among others:

*) 1st Winner:
Team 105
1. Citra Agnesya Ginting Suka (IUP Law 2022)
2. Helfrida Miftakhur Raifa Sogara (2022)

*) 1st Runner-up:
Team 103
1.Theresia Rachel Aurelia Handaka (2021)
2. Hasna Noor Salima (2022)

*) 1st Best Oralist:
Hasna Noor Salima (2022)

*) 2nd Best Oralist:
Helfrida Miftakhur Raifa Sogara (2022)

*) Memorial Ranking:
Team 105 (Top 4)
Team 103 (Top 5)

*) Observer:
1. Suisha Syah Fanna
2. Jordy Southeast

*) Official Manager:
1. Muhammad Dzaki Ramadhan Al Rizal (2020)
2. Efrema Ardratya Prakasita Puteri (IUP Law 2020)