The Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, organized a visiting lecturer by inviting a Health Law Expert from Malaysia, Dr. Moh. Zamre Mohd. Zahir from the Faculty of Law, The National University of Malaysia. The event will be held online via the zoom platform on May 2, 2023 at 10.00 WIB.

In this scientific activity, Grandson Tamaro Simanjuntak (Undip Faculty of Law student class of 2020) acted as the Master of Ceremony and Moh. Asadullah H.A., S.H., M.Kn. (Lecturer of Civil Law Section) served as moderator. The event was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum. In his welcoming speech, Prof. Retno was very pleased with the willingness and presence of Dr. Mohd. Zamre as the resource person in this prestigious event and the theme discussed regarding Health Law is an interesting legal issue in the field of Law.

The core of the visiting lecture activity was carried out with the presentation of the resource person, Dr. Mohd. Zamre Mohd Zahir who delivered material on Dying Wishes: Understanding Advance Medical Directive. In his presentation, Dr. Zamre explained that: One of the problems in the medical field is that advances in modern medical technology can technically extend life in the final stages of a deadly disease, however, it cannot prevent death. In such a situation, further medical intervention would be medically ineffective, and a decision had to be made whether to withdraw the relevant medical treatment on the patient or continue with it.

He added that: terminally ill patients who cannot express their wishes at the time, may want to avoid further suffering and be allowed to die naturally, peacefully and with dignity. The existence and role of the Advance Medical Directive are expected to give freedom to patients to exercise their right to make decisions about medical treatment for themselves before the party concerned becomes unable to act physically or psychologically.

After the presentations from the speakers were finished, the event continued with an interactive discussion session between participants consisting of students and lecturers at the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, with Dr. Zamre as the speaker. The activity closed with a group photo session hosted by the Master of Ceremony, Grandson Tamaro Simanjuntak.