Semarang, August 30, 2024 – The Faculty of Law at Undip once again held a visiting lecturer event conducted online via Zoom Meeting on Friday, August 30, 2024. On this occasion, the Faculty of Law at Undip proudly presents Associate Prof. Dr. Ruzian Markom, LL.B., LL.M., an Associate Professor in Business Law from the Faculty of Law, National University of Malaysia. (UKM). He presented an interesting topic, “The Development of Islamic Financial Law in Malaysia.”

More than 100 students and lecturers attended this event. Prof. Ruzian discussed in depth the development of Islamic financial law in Malaysia, particularly in the context of business and Islamic banking. He also provided insights into the role of Islamic law in supporting financial stability in Malaysia, as well as the challenges faced in the implementation of Islamic financial regulations in this modern era.
In the question-and-answer session, students had the opportunity to engage in direct discussion with Prof. Ruzian, who elaborated on the importance of understanding Islamic financial law for law students who will enter the professional world, both in the public and private sectors. Not only did Prof. Ruzian provide theoretical insights, but he also shared his practical experiences in handling business cases related to Islamic financial law.
This event is part of the efforts of the Faculty of Law at Undip to continuously enrich students’ knowledge in various fields of international law while also broadening their understanding of legal practices in neighboring countries.