Semarang, May 7, 2024 – Universitas Diponegoro Faculty of Law held a special event by inviting an international law expert, Prof. Dr. Benedict Sheehy from the School of Law, University of Canberra. In the event themed “Comparative Law and Institutions in Asia: a case study of Comply or Explain, OECD, Malaysia & Philippines,” Prof. Benedict Sheehy discussed comparative legal systems and institutions in Asia. This Visiting Lecturer was held online through the Zoom Meeting platform.

In his presentation, Prof. Sheehy outlined a case study on the application of the “Comply or Explain” principle adopted by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and its implementation in Malaysia and the Philippines. This principle requires companies to comply with certain standards or explain the reasons why they do not follow them. The Dean of Undip’s Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum., revealed that the presence of Prof. Benedict Sheehy as a visiting lecturer is a valuable opportunity for students to deepen their understanding of law. “We are grateful for the valuable knowledge shared by Prof. Benedict Sheehy” said Prof. Retno.

This activity was also attended by students and lecturers of Undip Faculty of Law. An open discussion after the presentation provided space for the exchange of ideas and views related to comparative law in Asia. This Visiting Lecturer activity is expected to make a positive contribution to the understanding of comparative law and help strengthen the network of cooperation between Undip and international academic institutions.