Semarang, May 18, 2024 – To celebrate its 67th anniversary, the Faculty of Law, University of Diponegoro (Undip) organized a healthy walk. The walk was held with enthusiasm and togetherness. Not only the faculty’s academic community participated in this event, but also the Faculty of Law (IKA FH Undip) alumni. The series of events began with morning exercises led by professional instructors. The aim of these exercises was to warm up the participants’ bodies before starting the healthy walk. The enthusiasm of the participants could be seen as they seemed to enjoy doing every single gymnastic move.

senam bersama

After the gymnastics, the event continued with the release of balloons to signify the start of the healthy walk. The Dean of Undip Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum. accompanied by the Vice Dean and the committee symbolically released colorful balloons into the air. The atmosphere was more festive as the balloons decorated the morning sky. After the release of the balloons, the participants started a healthy walk with a route around the Undip Tembalang campus. The predetermined route gave participants an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature while exercising, passing through various faculties and green areas of the campus.

pelepasan balon

The Healthy Walk ended with the distribution of prizes. Various attractive prizes were prepared by the committee, ranging from electronic gadgets to bicycles and motorcycles. The distribution of the prizes was the most anticipated moment by the participants, adding to the spirit and excitement of the event. Finally, the entertainment stage presented Tia AFI and Pagiboeta Band. Their performance successfully entertained and livened up the atmosphere with hit songs that invited the participants to sing and dance together. The excitement of this event showed the spirit of kinship and togetherness among all those present.
The 67th anniversary of Undip Law Faculty is not only a celebration, but also a momentum to strengthen the relationship among all faculty members and establish good relations with the surrounding community. Hopefully, this spirit of togetherness will be maintained and make Undip Faculty of Law even more successful in the future.