The Satya Dharma Gita Student Choir of the Faculty of Law at Diponegoro University (UNDIP) has once again achieved remarkable success at the 1st Thailand International Choral Festival 2024 (TICF 2024), organized by the Thailand Choral Association at the Thailand Cultural Centre in Bangkok from September 3 to 6, 2024. At the event, the Satya Dharma Gita Choir achieved:
- Gold Medal & Winner in the Adult Choir Category (Final Score 89.73)
- Gold Medal in the Folklore Choir Category (Final Score 84.78)
- Jury Prize for “The Excellent Artistic Programming”
- Finalist for the Grand Prize TICF 2024
The festival is a prestigious choir festival as it features more than 25 choirs from various countries, such as Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines. The festival presents judges with international standards from the United States, Norway, Greece, Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
At the event, the Satya Dharma Gita Choir departed with a total of 30 members led by the Head of Delegation, Amabel Jofena, accompanied by the Supervising Lecturers, Tity Wahyu, S.H., M.Hum. and Kadek Cahya Susila Wibawa, S.H., M.H. During the TICF 2024 activities, the Satya Dharma Gita Choir, conducted by FX Anggarda Tri Adhi Nugraha, competed in two categories: the folklore category and the equal adult choir category.
The Dean of the Faculty of Law at UNDIP, Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum., expressed her gratitude and pride over this achievement and hopes that this accomplishment can motivate other students of the Faculty of Law at UNDIP to contribute their own achievements and bring honor to UNDIP. “Alhamdulillah, thank you for the outstanding achievement of the Satya Dharma Gita Student Choir of the Faculty of Law. May this achievement inspire and motivate other students to be more creative and enthusiastic in learning, developing themselves, honing their skills, and be encouraged to participate in other prestigious competitions and successfully contribute achievements for UNDIP,” said Prof. Retno.
Kadek Cahya Susila Wibawa, S.H., M.H. expressed immense gratitude, as despite the limitations in human resources and funding, the Satya Dharma Gita Choir continues to demonstrate its existence, to create, and to achieve at the international level. Furthermore, it was conveyed that this achievement complements the accomplishments of students from the Faculty of Law at Diponegoro University, which also supports the attainment of the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of the Faculty of Law at UNDIP through non-academic student achievements. The achievements of the SDG Choir at the TICF 2024 event complement the same accomplishments achieved by the SDG Choir at the Bali International Choir Festival 2023 and the 32nd Praga Cantat 208 in the Czech Republic.
Amabel Jofena explained that participating in this competition not only aims to achieve accomplishments but also benefits the development of students’ soft skills. Through training and organizational processes, this activity indirectly hones students to be disciplined, prioritize effectively, foster teamwork, manage emotions, enhance lobbying skills, engage in active communication, and much more. Furthermore, Amabel Jofena expressed her gratitude and thanks to God Almighty, the Universitas Diponegoro, the Dean and the leadership team of the Faculty of Law at Universitas Diponegoro under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswasti, S.H., M.Hum; all the academic community of FH UNDIP; the supervising lecturers of the PSM SDG FH UNDIP; the conductor; the sponsors (FIF group, IKA FH UNDIP, Alcona, Selection, Nature); Hasyim Asy’ari, S.H., M.Si., Ph.D.; Dr. Ahmad Redi, S.H., M.H.; the families of the SDG Choir singers; the donors and the alumni who cannot be mentioned one by one. (Kadek & As-Humas)
