Continuing the first day of ICOLEG 2023, on the second day it starts with a scientific session first with 6 presenters in each chamber. After all the presenters made their presentations, the activity continued with a plenary session moderated by Diastama Anggita Ramadhan, S.H., LL.M. with guest speaker Dahliana Hasan, S.H., M.Tax., Ph.D. from the Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University, and Iman Prihandono, S.H., M.H., LL.M., Ph.D. from the Faculty of Law, Airlangga University. Then there was a discussion session with the speakers. The event continued with the awarding of placards and certificates to the speakers, and the announcement of the best paper and the best presenter from each chamber. The event was closed by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum. and continued with a photo session with ICOLEG 2023 participants.

Plenary Ses 3 - ICOLEG 2023

Presenter Terbaik - ICOLEG 2023