Quality Assurance Team
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Diponegoro
Implementation of quality assurance aims to guarantee the learning process so that it produces quality graduates that meet the needs of the world of work. Therefore, the curriculum in the learning process must be evaluated and improved on an ongoing basis involving stakeholders both internally and externally. The Universitas Diponegoro Law Faculty Quality Assurance Team (TPMF) is a working group that performs a coordinative function with Study Program quality assurance groups (GPM) in the framework of quality assurance and development within the Faculty. In carrying out its duties, TPMF is assisted by the Quality Assurance Group Team (GPM) for study programs, namely: Bachelor of Law, Master of Law, Master of Notary, and Doctor of Law. The GPM Team, under the coordination of the Law Faculty Quality Assurance Team, is tasked with implementing the internal quality assurance system for each study program.

Dr. Muh. Afif Mahfud, S.H., M.H.
Anggita Doramia Lumbanraja, S.H., M.H.
Pulung Widhi Hari Hananto, S.H., M.H
Koordinator Kerjasama
Moh. Asadullah Hasan Al Asy’arie, S.H., M.Kn.
Koordinator Data dan Pemeringkatan
Dr. Adya Paramita Prabandari, S.H., M.LI., M.H.
Koordinator Akreditasi Prodi
Ahmad Ainun Najib, S.H., M.H.
Koordinator Publikasi dan HKI