We hereby proudly invite outstanding students of the Faculty of Law, University of Diponegoro to take part in the 2023 Achievement Student Selection program (PILMAPRES 2023) with the following timeline:
Online Registration: 8-24 March 2023
(File Collection, GK Manuscripts, & English Videos)
File Assessment: 25-26 March 2023
Presentation : 27-29 March 2023
ANNOUNCEMENT : March 30, 2023
University Level Selection: 28-29 April 2023

Registration Procedure:
1. Students are maximum active in semester VI, and are no more than 22 years old on January 1, 2023 as evidenced by attaching a photocopy of KTP/KTM.

2. A minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 is proven by attaching KHS.

3. Fill out the Registration Form by filling in the online registration form at https://bit.ly/Pilmapres2023Registration)

4. Information and guidelines for organizing the 2023 Pilmapres can be seen at https://bit.ly/SosPilm2023)

5. Create a Portfolio/ Achievement Data/ Superior Achievements (CU) that are superior/ proud attached with Supporting Evidence (Photocopy of champion certificate)

6. Create creative ideas (can be in the form of concepts/strategies) written in Indonesian in pdf format. This article contains the settlement of legal issues regarding national development related to the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Industrial Revolution 4.0.

7. Make a Video Presentation in English on the topic of SDGs (different from point 6 Creative Ideas) with a duration of 5 (five) minutes. The delivery of the speech can be: informative, persuasive, or motivational. Participants deliver their speeches with a half-body view facing the static camera and in landscape mode. Recordings are made without going through the editing process. The video is uploaded on the YouTube page and enter the video url link on the online registration form page.

For more detailed information, please contact the Contact Person.

CP: Rizky (0857 1964 2671)