Semarang, August 21, 2021- In order to welcome new students and the 2021/2021 academic year, the Faculty of Law of Dipoengoro University was held the Student Orientation program. This occasion was organized with hybrid method namely the participants attended virtually through the zoom meetings platform and the committee is present offline in the Seminar Room, Litigation Building.

Aside from being an annual welcoming event for new students, the implementation of this program aims to provide any illustration regarding academic and non- academic life in higher education. The Orientation of Campus Life for New Students is the first step to create progressive academics and legal practitioners, namely practitioners who emphasize the achievement of substantive justice, are responsive and able to think comprehensively – holistically. This is shown by the theme promoted by the committee, namely Indonesia Tough, Indonesia Grows which focuses on producing graduates both in the form of legal practitioners and academics who have progressive thinking and contribute positively to the development of national law.

This event was opened directly by Dr. Tri Laksmi Indreswari, S.H., M.H. as the Vice   ean for Academic and Student Affairs who submitted academic reports and introductions to officials and lecturers at the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University. Furthermore, the event was filled with prayer readings and video screenings of the University Faculty of Law profile to provide a visual picture of social interaction with the campus environment and its community which was hindered due to the covid-19 pandemic.

The Faculty of Law as the organizer also held an Alumni Talk session which invited two well-known alumni, namely Dr. Ahmad Redi, S.H., M. Hum. (Chairman of the Undip FH Alumni Association, Founder of the Jurist Collegium and Expert in Constitutional Law) who brought material on the Development of the National Movement for Mental Revolution and Prof.Dr.Fx. Aji Samekto, S.H., M. Hum. (Professor of International Law FH Undip and Deputy for the Study & Materials of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency) who presented material on National Insight and State Defense.

The kind of materials which presented in this activity include the Education System in the Independent Campus Era, Independent Learning Curriculum, Dissemination of Academic Regulations and Plagiarism, Online Learning Methods, Introduction to Campus Infrastructure and inculcation of culture, ethics and norms of lecture life as well as promotion of the Faculty Student Activity Unit. The Orientation Day Life were hosted by two masters of ceremony (MC), namely Farazzian Athisya and Mario Dewanto. This program was attended by 1,239 students consisting of 831 undergraduate study program students, 139 students in the Master of Law study program, 170 students of the Notary Masters Study Program and 69 students of the Doctor of Law Science Study Program.