Semarang, December 31, 2021, At the end of 2021, the Faculty of Law UNDIP, has completed the construction of several campus facilities. In order to support the activities of the FH UNDIP academic community, which has been undergoing the covid-19 pandemic for almost 2 years, an elevator, mosque, connecting bridge, student inspiration porch and escalator have been inaugurated. The event began with remarks by the Dean of the Faculty of Law UNDIP, Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, SH, MHum, followed by the direct inauguration by the rector of Diponegoro University, Prof.Dr. Yos Johan Utama, SH, MHum. Present were invited guests, vice rector IV of Diponegoro University and the deans of faculties and schools in UNDIP. The elevator is located in the Prof. building. Satjipto Raharjo, SH is a CSR assistance from Bank BTN. Also present and giving remarks were Mr. Roni Subagio as head of Bank BTN Regional VI office accompanied by Mr. Donny Dwiantoro, Head of Bank BTN Semarang Branch Office. The inauguration ceremony was marked by the signing of the collaboration between UNDIP and Bank BTN.

It is a good collaboration between FH and Bank BTN, with the addition of several campus facilities, it is hoped that the process of mobility for the academic community will be easier and more comfortable. Some of the facilities that were inaugurated are the elevator which is located in the Prof. Satjipto Rahardjo, SH building, the connecting bridge between the Prof. Satjipto Rahardjo, SH building and the classroom building, a mosque and a foyer for inspiring students.