The Law Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Law, University of Diponegoro held a Curriculum Workshop and Semester Learning Plan for 2022. This activity lasted for two days at the Lor In Hotel Surakarta. The first day, Monday 10 October 2022, the activity was opened by the Head of the Law Doctoral Study Program (Dr. Sukirno, S.H., M.Sc.) representing the Dean of the Faculty of Law who was unable to attend due to opening another event at the same time. The first session of the material “Outcome Based Education Based Curriculum Development” delivered by Dr. Sri Suning Kusumawardani, ST., MT (Secretary of the Center for Academic Policy Innovation at Gadjah Mada University), followed by the second session on “International Accreditation Oriented Curriculum Development” delivered by S. Rouli Manalu Ph.D. (International Accreditation Team from FISIP UNDIP). Workshop participants in the third session were divided into two groups. One group discussed Curriculum and Preparation of SLP, the other group discussed Procedure Manuals and Guidebooks.
The second day, Tuesday 11 October 2022, the series of workshop activities continued with hybrid discussions with students, alumni and alumni users. The discussion was led by the Head of the Study Program (Dr. Sukirno, S.H., M.Sc.) accompanied by the Program Secretary (Dr. Nabitatus Sa’adah, S.H., M.Hum.).

Workshop Kurikulum