Semarang, 12 December 2023 – Today, the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University (Undip) welcomed special guests from Al-Azhar Islamic High School 3 for an educational visit. This visit aims to provide deeper insight to the students of Al-Azhar Islamic High School 3 about the Diponegoro University law faculty and the latest developments related to PMB.

The visit began with a warm welcome from the leadership of the Undip Faculty of Law, who expressed his gratitude for the presence of the Al-Azhar Islamic High School 3 students. He hoped that this visit could provide motivation and inspiration for the Al-Azhar Islamic High School 3 students to pursue their dreams. they are in the legal field.

The Al-Azhar 3 Islamic High School students were then invited to take part in a series of activities that had been prepared, including an explanation of the Undip Law Faculty, facilities, and a campus tour. Apart from that, students were also given the opportunity to discuss directly with the leadership of the Undip Law Faculty. It is hoped that this will help students to understand more deeply about lecture life and the learning atmosphere in the faculty environment. This visit ended with a question and answer session, where students could ask questions to the leadership of the Undip Law Faculty. The event closed by giving mementos to the students as a form of appreciation for their visit. It is hoped that AL AZHAR ISLAM SMA’s visit to Undip’s Faculty of Law will provide additional motivation for students to pursue their dreams in the world of law.