Semarang, May 29, 2024 – The Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University (UNDIP) continued the Lex Proficia 2024 summer course series with the theme “Ocean Justice and Maritime Security”. This session was held online and presented H.E. Laurentius Amrih Jinangkung, S.H., LL.M., as the main speaker, with moderator Fachry Hasani Habib, S.H., M.H. The discussion this time focused on Indonesia’s geographical characteristics and current climate change, as well as Indonesia’s efforts in facing these challenges.
The keynote speaker, H.E. Laurentius Amrih Jinangkung, discussed Indonesia’s geographical characteristics and the climate change challenges it faces, highlighting its vulnerability to natural disasters such as rising sea levels and storms. He emphasized that Indonesia is at the forefront of climate change, and the impacts on coastal areas and ocean-dependent communities are significant. H.E. Jinangkung also outlined Indonesia’s efforts in facing these challenges through international cooperation and the implementation of national policies focused on climate change mitigation and adaptation.
The session moderator, Fachry Hasani Habib, guided the discussion and facilitated an interactive Q&A session where participants had the opportunity to ask questions and engage directly with the keynote speaker. The session drew a diverse audience, including students and academics from various countries, demonstrating a strong interest and concern for maritime issues in today’s global context.

The fifth session of the Lex Proficia 2024 summer course provided valuable insights and motivated participants to continue fighting for marine justice and maritime security. For more information about the next session, participants can visit the official website of the Faculty of Law UNDIP or follow the official social media accounts of this event.