Following up on the Circular of the Chancellor Number 31 / UN7.P / SE / 2020 dated April 30, 2020 concerning Adjustment of UKT for Odd Semester 2020/2021 (due to being affected by COVID-19) and the Letter of the Deputy Chancellor for Resources Number 2756 / UN7.P2 / KU / 2020 dated 14 May 2020 Regarding Adjustment of UKT for Odd Semester 2020/2021 and Number 2902 / UN7.P2 / KU / 2020 Regarding
Revisions and explanations related to UKT Adjustment, hereby convey the following:
- With regard to the large number of requests from students who apply for UKT adjustments due to being affected by COVID-19, Diponegoro University provides an opportunity for students to be able to apply to Faculties / Schools by completing the requirements that have been determined until August 12, 2020.
- Proposals for the names of students who apply for UKT adjustments due to being affected by COVID-19 please submit them to the University no later than August 14, 2020, complete with supporting data and a statement letter (attached)
Thank you for your attention and good cooperation.