Following up on the Circular of the Chancellor Number 31 / UN7.P / SE / 2020 dated April 30, 2020 concerning Adjustment of UKT for Odd Semester 2020/2021 (due to being affected by COVID-19) and the Letter of the Deputy Chancellor for Resources Number 2756 / UN7.P2 / KU / 2020 dated 14 May 2020 Regarding Adjustment of UKT for Odd Semester 2020/2021 and Number 2902 / UN7.P2 / KU / 2020 Regarding
Revisions and explanations related to UKT Adjustment, hereby convey the following:

  1. With regard to the large number of requests from students who apply for UKT adjustments due to being affected by COVID-19, Diponegoro University provides an opportunity for students to be able to apply to Faculties / Schools by completing the requirements that have been determined until August 12, 2020.
  2. Proposals for the names of students who apply for UKT adjustments due to being affected by COVID-19 please submit them to the University no later than August 14, 2020, complete with supporting data and a statement letter (attached)

Thank you for your attention and good cooperation.
