Semarang, 29 February 2024 – The Faculty of Law Universitas Diponegoro held a Visiting Lecturer activity by inviting Prof. Dr. Iur. Volker Roeben, LL.M., from Durham University Law School to give a lecture with the theme “Obligation to Protect the Global Climate” via the Zoom Cloud Meeting platform. This activity is the first Visiting Lecturer agenda for Undip Law Faculty in 2024 and is attended by students and lecturers at Universitas Diponegoro Law Faculty.

Presentasi Prof Volker

By raising the theme of climate change, it is hoped that the participants, especially students at the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, can better understand the relationship between the state and its obligations towards climate change. On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Iur. Volker Roeben, LL.M. conveyed that there is a need for a global cooperation framework with an obligation for all countries to take a role in overcoming climate problems globally. Apart from that, the Durham Professor of International Environmental Law also conveyed the importance of developed countries being actively involved in providing facilities and support to overcome climate problems. Visiting Lecturer participants were very enthusiastic about welcoming the insights provided by Professor Volker, this was indicated by the large number of questioners during the discussion session.

Sesi diskusi Prof Volker

Sesi diskusi Prof Volker 2

Foto bersama Prof Volker