The Doctor of Law Study Program, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University on Monday, November 9, 2020, held a National Webinar with the theme “Delving into Progressive Legal Thought, Structuring Pathways to Realizing Just Law”. This webinar aims to provide an in-depth understanding of progressive legal thinking for theoretical law bearers and practical law bearers as well as providing a path and courage for practical law bearers to realize just law. The webinar lasts for 3 hours starting from 09.00 to 12.00 WIB via the ZOOM application.

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Webinar Nasional Program Doktor Hukum UNDIP

The speakers presented in this webinar are :

  1. Prof. Dr. Esmi Warassih Pudjirahayu, S.H., MS (Dosen FH UNDIP)
  2. Prof. Erlyn Indarti,S.H, M.A, Ph.D (Dosen FH UNDIP)                    
  3. Dr. Shidarta, S.H., M.Hum. (Dosen FH UBINUS)
  4. Dr. Yudi Kristiana, S.H., M.H.