by fhd@nd@ | Sep 3, 2022 | Students and Alumni
The Undip Faculty of Law Student Delegation under the coordination of UKM-F KRD @krdfhundip succeeded in achieving a proud achievement by getting 1st Place and the winner of the Best Memorandum in the Atmajaya Business Law Competition Legal Opinion Competition organized by FH Unika Atmajaya
The following is the name of the Undip Faculty of Law Student Delegation:
1. Dessy Ramadhani (2019)
The Leaders and the entire Academic Community of FH Undip are also proud and grateful for this proud achievement.
Hopefully with this result it can motivate other Undip Faculty of Law students to contribute achievements and make the name of the Alma mater, Nation and State proud.
FH Undip Jaya !!!
by fhd@nd@ | Aug 12, 2022 | Students and Alumni
The Student Delegation of the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University under the coordination of UKM-F Pseudorechtspraak @pseudo.fhundip managed to achieve a proud achievement in the International Moot Court Competition in the 2022 ILSA UNAIR INTERNATION event organized by ILSA Universitas Airlangga.
These achievements include:
1. Raissa Zandra Saraswati (IUP 2020)
2. Anindya Adristi Cundamani (2021)
3. Giovandro Devyos Talesa (2021)
3RD Best Memorial:
1. Rachel Debora Gladies S. (2020)
2. Muzaki Akbar Tsalasa Muhammad (2020)
by fhd@nd@ | Aug 12, 2022 | Students and Alumni
Faculty of Law Student Delegation under the coordination of UKM-F KSHI @kshi_fhundip succeeded in achieving a proud achievement by winning second and third place in the National Maritime Scientific Writing Competition held by Hasanudin University.
The following is the name of the Undip Faculty of Law Student Delegation:
*) Second Place LKTI
1. Rindi Elvani (2020)
2. Nizar Hilmi (2020)
*) Third Place LKTI
1. Nadia Tri Amanda (2020)
2. Maulida Fajria F. (2020)
The Leaders and the entire Academic Community of FH Undip are also proud and grateful for this proud achievement.
Hopefully, with this result, it can motivate other Undip Faculty of Law students to contribute achievements and make the name of the Alma mater, Nation and State proud.
by fhd@nd@ | Aug 12, 2022 | Students and Alumni
Faculty of Law Student Delegation under the coordination of UKM-F KRD @krdfhundip succeeded in achieving a proud achievement by winning second place in the Romli Atmasasmita National Scientific Writing Competition organized by the Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University.
The following is the name of the Undip Faculty of Law Student Delegation:
1. Zamroni Akhmad Affandi (2021)
2. Pramesti Notarina Supatmojo (2021)
3. Muhammad Adistya Putra Digjaya (2019)
The Leaders and the entire Academic Community of FH Undip are also proud and grateful for this proud achievement.
Hopefully, with this result, it can motivate other Faculty of Law students to contribute achievements and make the name of the Alma mater, Nation, and State proud.
by fhd@nd@ | Mar 9, 2021 | Students and Alumni
Following up on the Undip Deputy Chancellor’s Letter of Academic and Student Affairs Number: 13-4 / UN7.P1 / KM / 2021 dated March 1, 2021 regarding the 2021 UNDIP Level PILMAPRES Selection, which contains notification of the implementation of the 2021 Faculty Level Mawapres Selection, which will be carried out immediately with the following schedule :
Pilmapres schedule for 2021:
- Registration: 6 – 20 March 2021
- Outreach (ms. Teams): 12 March 2021
- File Verification: March 20-21, 2021
- Written National & English Insights Test (ms Teams): 22 March 2021
- File selection: March 23, 2021
- Presentation and winner determination: March 24, 2021
- Announcement: March 25, 2021
- Selection for university level: 30-31 March 2021
The written test schedule which will be held on Monday 22 March 2021 is as follows:
1) National Insights Test: 16.45 – 17.30 WIB (45 ‘)
2) English Test: 19.00 – 20.25 (80 ‘)
– Structure and Written Expression (19.00-19.25 WIB) (25 ‘)
– Reading Comprehension (19.30-20.25 WIB) (55 ‘)
Students of Class 2020, 2019, and 2018 are expected to immediately register and fill in the online registration form at the following link:
The implementation guide can be seen at the following link:
For further information, please contact:
Rayhan M. Hisyam (087883593912) – Riskel BEM FH Undip
by fhd@nd@ | Feb 18, 2021 | Students and Alumni
Download the letter application instructions online here