In order to realize the vision and mission of the Faculty of Law to become one of the faculties with international standards and global competitiveness, the Faculty of Law of Diponegoro University follows the FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation) International accreditation program. FIBAA is a quality assurance and quality development institution for higher education from Germany with an international orientation. The Faculty of Law proposes two study programs, namely the Bachelor of Law Program and the Master of Law to participate in the assessment process to obtain International accreditation from FIBAA.

In order to prepare and complete the self-assessment report (SAR) documents as an assessment requirement to get an International predicate from FIBAA, the Head of the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University formed a special committee team in charge of preparing this assessment. The committee team led by Dr. Aditya Yuli Sulistyawan, S.H., M.H. has worked for almost nine months to complete and fill out a number of required documents that are adapted to international higher education quality standards. The assessment component consists of admissions procedures, curriculum, the quality of supporting infrastructure for lectures, teaching processes and quality assurance in related study programs. The assessment process by the FIBAA Assessor Team was held online through the zoom meeting platform on 31 August 2021 – 2 September 2021. The assessment process was carried out by interviewing a number of important officials at the Faculty of Law such as the Dean, Deputy Dean, Professor, Lecturer representatives, Alumni, educational staff and students. This procedure was ran by the FIBAA Assessment Team to check and adjust the information attached to the SER document with several key informants. The assessment process went smoothly and the Faculty of Law of Diponegoro University will receive the announcement of the assessment results in November 2021.