Krikilan Village, Klaten, (25/1/2024) – 2024 UNDIP KKN Team I students carried out outreach and counseling at SDN 02 Krikilan in Bayat District, Klaten Regency, anti-bullying outreach which was attended by pupils and students with great enthusiasm. This event is part of efforts to prevent and overcome bullying, a severe concern in educational circles. The students looked enthusiastic about participating in the presentation, asking questions and discussing. Some of them even gave examples of their own experiences. This reflects the importance of providing space for children to talk about their experiences so that bullying problems can be identified and addressed more effectively.
Apart from that, UNDIP KKN Team I students also held interactive activities such as role plays, conflict resolution simulations, and distributing educational materials in the form of anti-bullying brochures. This aims to deepen children’s understanding of the importance of mutual respect and cooperation. Thus, the anti-bullying socialization at SDN 02 Krikilan is an informational event and leaves a trail of awareness and collective determination to create a safe educational environment. , positive and friendly for every student and student.

Anti-bullying socialization at SDN 02 Krikilan, Klaten, was held to prevent bullying in the school environment. By providing information about the forms and impacts of bullying on students and girls, this event aims to increase awareness of the importance of creating a safe and respectful educational environment. Additionally, socialization forms positive attitudes and mutual respect among students, strengthens parental involvement, provides practical knowledge to students to overcome bullying incidents, and encourages collaboration between schools and communities in prevention efforts. In this way, it is hoped that a more harmonious school environment will be created and support the positive development of each individual. On this occasion, UNDIP KKN Team I students also put up posters regarding Anti-Bullying and the impact on perpetrators of bullying. This poster was put up in the school environment. SDN 02 Krikilan, Bayat District, Klaten Regency.

Author: Muhammad Rendi Adiguna Putra (Faculty of Law)
Field Supervisor :  Gani Nur Pramudyo, S.IP., M.Hum
Location: SDN 02 Krikilan, Krikilan Village, Bayat District, Klaten Regency