The FH Undip Student Delegation under the coordination of IO Law Undip & UKM-F Pseudorechtspraak succeeded in winning the Highest Rank (General Champion) in the 2023 Foreign Direct Investment International Arbitration Moot Competition which was held on 2-5 November in Lucknow, India.

The following is a list of awards won, including:

1. Highest Ranked Team (1st place for combined oral and writing, exceed 53 teams worldwide)
2. 2nd Ranked Claimant Memorial
3. 2nd Ranked Respondent Memorial
4. 3rd Place Oral Finals

Member of Delegates:
1. Arya Jaya Ramadan (2021)
2. Giovandro Devyos Talesa (2021)
3. Marvelo Pietro Boekan (2021)
4. Yosephine Ingrid Serepian Aritonang (2021)
5. Zifa Muzadida D’Amano (2021)

Official Manager:

1. Aisyah Syafitri (2020)
2. Kerin Rumondang Maruliana (2020)

The leadership and the entire FH Undip Academic Community are also grateful for this proud achievement.

Hopefully, this achievement can motivate and inspire other FH Undip students to contribute achievements and make the name of the alma mater, homeland, and nation proud on the international stage.