The leadership and the entire academic community of FH Undip also congratulate and are proud of the selection of 5 students of the Faculty of Law Diponegoro University as the IISMA Co-Funding Awardee 2023.

The following are the names of Law Faculty Students who have officially passed the selection and were selected by the IISMA Co-Funding Working Group q2023, including:

1. Moch.Akbar Arraihan (IUP Law 2020) – University of Malaya, Malaysia;

2. Wulan Nugrahani Rahmadina (2020), University of Leicester, United Kingdom;

3. Grandson Tamaro Simanjuntak (2020), University of Warsaw, Poland;

4. Elisha Martha Christabella Tambunan (2020) – Vyatautas Magnus University, Lithuania.

5. Hafiya Cyantri Maheswari Nugroho (2021) – University of Warsaw, Poland.