The opening of the 3rd International Conference on Law, Economic & Governance on Tuesday, 11 July 2023 at the Poncowati Ballroom, Patra Hotel and Convention was held with great fanfare. This activity was attended by the Dean of the Undip Faculty of Law, resource persons, and ICOLEG 2023 participants. At the beginning of the event, there was a gambyong dance danced by two UPGRIS students, then continued with singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya. Chair of The 3rd International Conference on Law, Economics, & Governance namely Dr. Muh. Afif Mahfud, gave a speech which was continued by Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum. as the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, who gave a brief speech, and opened the ICOLEG 2023 activity by hitting the gong 3 times. The event was continued by giving placards to the speakers who came to this activity.

Tari Gambyong - International Conference on Law, Economic & Governance 2023

Pemukulan Gong - International Conference on Law, Economic & Governance 2023