BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (BPJAMSOSTEK) together with the Faculty of Law Undip signed a cooperation agreement in the education and literacy fields related to the benefits of employment social security.

The signing was carried out by the Director General and HR of the BPJS Employment center Abdur Rahman Irsyadi and the Dean of the Undip Faculty of Law Prof. Retno Saraswati, at the Undip Law Faculty Building, Semarang, Monday (7/3/2022).


BPJS Employment Director General and HR Abdur Rahman Irsyadi said the signing was in the form of the Tri Darma of Higher Education cooperation in education, research and understanding related to employment social security to prospective workers, especially students as prospective workers who are currently still studying in higher education. .

“This signing is a form of the cooperation agreement referred to by the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, which is to establish cooperation in education, research, and community service. We want to carry out literacy on employment social security to prospective workers who are currently studying in tertiary institutions, ” said Abdur Rahman Irsyadi to a number of media crew.

Abdur said that BPJamsostek would conduct literacy on employment social security because the material was rarely known by students and academics.

“This collaboration is a form of literacy between BPJamsostek and the Undip Faculty of Law, with the aim that when students work and graduate from college, they already understand and know their rights and obligations regarding employment social security,” he continued.

Abdur Rahman Irsyadi explained the importance of employment social security for students when doing field work practices (PKL) or internships, real work lectures (KKN), and other campus activities. Meanwhile, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan encourages internship students, street vendors, KKN, and others to also be protected by employment social security at least two programs, namely work accident insurance (JKK) and death insurance (JKM), with minimal contributions.

“Students only have a contribution of Rp. 16,800, they can receive two programs, namely JKK and JKM, when there is a work accident, students doing KKN can be done comfortably,” he said.

Abdur explained that this signing has been carried out at 16 universities in Indonesia, where each student as a BPJS participant with a minimum workforce can be protected. “The signing of this collaboration has been carried out for the 16th time and it is hoped that understanding will continue to increase after students get it,” added Abdur.

Meanwhile, the Dean of the Undip Faculty of Law, Prof. Retno Saraswati, hopes that with the signing of this cooperation, synergies can be established, especially in the fields of education and research, so that understanding and understanding of the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Program can be established.

“In terms of service, with Them Learn, we want our students to be able to do internships at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. Of course, it’s not just an internship, but students can gain knowledge as well as see weaknesses,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Semarang Branch Office Pemuda Multanti added that literacy on employment social security with universities is very important because students are prospective workers, so they can know early on their rights and obligations to get social security.

“With this collaboration, students who do internships, KKN, PKL can be protected because currently participation is very open and interns also need employment social security,” Multanti added.