On May 30, 2024, the eighth session of the Lex Proficia 2024 series of activities was successfully held online through the Zoom platform. Themed “International Fisheries and Marine Sustainability”, the event featured prominent speaker, Dr. Tamara Joan Duraisingam, LL.B., LL.M., who discussed the fishing industry in Malaysia and Australia and the relevant aspects of fisheries law. Dr. Tamara Joan Duraisingam began her presentation with “To fish or not to fish? A tale of two nations”. She outlined the challenges faced by the fishing industries in Malaysia and Australia, including overfishing, climate change, and marine pollution. Dr. Tamara explained how these two countries are implementing policies and regulations to sustainably manage their fisheries resources.

presentasi Dr. Tamara

Furthermore, Dr. Tamara elaborated on the legal framework governing the fishing industry in Malaysia and Australia. She discussed the various laws and regulations implemented to protect marine ecosystems and ensure sustainable fishing practices. Case examples and field studies were also included to provide a real picture of how fisheries law is applied in practice. Dr. Tamara emphasized the need for countries to work together in the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU fishing), as well as the importance of sustainable management of marine resources for the future of our planet.

presentasi dr.tamara joan

The event concluded with a productive Q&A session, where Dr. Tamara provided comprehensive and in-depth answers to every question posed. The moderator then closed the event by thanking Dr. Tamara and all participants for their active participation. The moderator also reminded about the importance of continuous discussion to achieve the desired ocean sustainability goals. The eighth session of Lex Proficia 2024 successfully opened new insights and provided a deeper understanding of the relationship between international fisheries law and ocean sustainability.