Semarang, May 30, 2024 – The Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University (UNDIP) continued the series of Lex Proficia 2024 summer courses with the sixth session with the theme “International Investment Law, Trade, and Environmental.” This event was held online and presented Dr. Ivana Damjanovic, LL.B., LL.M., from the University of Canberra, Australia as the main speaker. This session was hosted by Rahandy Rizki Prananda, S.H., M.H., lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University.

Dr. Ivana Damjanovic, gave an insightful presentation on “International Investment Law, and Climate Action.” She explained the basic concepts of international investment law and investment dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanisms, and how they can be used to support climate action. “International investment law and ISDS are often perceived as barriers to climate action, but can actually be effective tools to encourage green investment and ensure the environmental responsibility of investors,” said Dr. Damjanovic. The moderator facilitated an interactive Q&A session, giving participants the opportunity to have a direct dialogue with Dr. Damjanovic and ask questions related to international investment law issues and climate action.

The session was attended by more than 70 participants from various backgrounds, including students, and academics from several countries such as malaysia, and australia. The sixth session of the Lex Proficia 2024 summer course provided valuable insights and encouraged participants to continue championing greener investment and trade.