On Thursday, May 6, 2024, at the Main Conference Room of the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, the signing of the Cooperation Agreement between the Faculty of Law Undip and the School of Law and International Studies of Prasetiya Mulya University was held. Also participating at the signing table were Dean of the Faculty of Law Undip Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum. and Dean of the School of Law and International Studies of Prasetiya Mulya University H.E. Hassan Wirajuda, S.H., M.A.L.D., LL.M., S.J.D. The Deans were accompanied by the Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs of Undip Faculty of Law Dr. Tri Laksmi Indreswari, S.H., M.H., Vice Dean of Resources of Undip Faculty of Law Solechan, S.H., M.H., and Vice Dean of Human Resources and Finance Ulya Yasmine Prisandani, S.H., LL.M..

Penandatanganan PKS

The cooperation script covers the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. Dean of FH Undip Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum. hopes that this collaboration can be well established. She also added “Hopefully the signing of this collaboration which includes: education, research, and community service can improve the scientific development of the legal field, both at FH Undip and at the School of Law and International Studies of Prasetiya Mulya University”. The event continued with the handover of plaques from FH Undip to the School of Law and International Studies of Prasetiya Mulya University and vice versa.

Foto Bersama FH Undip dan Univ Prasmul

The signing of this collaboration was also attended by the Heads of Study Programs and Secretaries of study programs within FH Undip, Professors and lecturers of the International Law section, Head of Section, and invited guests. The event began with the opening, singing the Indonesia Raya song, prayer. Followed by remarks by the Dean of FH Undip and the Dean of the School of Law and International Studies of Prasetiya Mulya University. Then the core event was the signing of the Cooperation, hospitality, and ended with a closing.