Semarang, 23 April 2024 – Faculty of Law Diponegoro University held a graduation ceremony and graduation ceremony for doctor of law program, master of law program, master of kenotariatan program, and bachelor of law program period 2 in 2024. The ceremony was held offline at the Convention Hall of the Central Java Great Mosque and was attended by graduates and their families, lecturers, and staff.

A total of 255 prospective graduates of the undergraduate law program passed the ceremony. Meanwhile, as many as 48 prospective graduates of the master of law program, 108 prospective graduates of the master of kenotariatan program and 7 prospective graduates of the doctor of law program also received degrees at the event. One of the representatives of the graduates, Anisyah Rani, who successfully completed her master of law program cum laude, expressed her gratitude to all those who had supported her during the study process.

The graduation procession was symbolically carried out by transferring the toga strap from the left side to the right side by the Dean of the Faculty of Law as a sign of official recognition of the graduates, as well as providing academic transcripts. The event was also enlivened by art performances from the students. In addition, students of the doctor of law program, master of law program, master of kenotariatan program also gave mementos to the Faculty of Law Undip. Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum. hopes that the graduates will become agents of change who are able to make a positive contribution to society and the nation, as well as uphold the values of justice, integrity, and truth in their future legal practice.