The Faculty of Law Undip held an inauguration ceremony for the Woerjanto, S.H. Building on Friday (19/04/2024). Attended by the Rector, Vice Rector, Deputy Head of Undip Planning and Development Agency, Deans in Undip, Head of Study Program, Secretary of Study Program in Undip Faculty of Law, representatives of the family of the late Bp. Woerjanto, S.H., and other invited guests. The event began with a prayer together as a form of gratitude to God Almighty for His abundance of grace, so that the construction process of this building can run smoothly and benefit FH Undip.

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At this event there was a ribbon cutting procession by Undip Rector Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum. and Dean of Undip Faculty of Law Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum. Witnessed by invited guests and family representatives. Followed by the first speech by Mr. Rizky Setiawan as the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) who reported the completion of the construction of this archive building.

sambutan dekan

In his remarks, the Dean of FH Undip expressed his gratitude for the presence of invited guests at the inauguration of the Woerjanto, S.H. Archives building. The use of the name Woerjanto, S.H. is a form of respect for his services and efforts for the Faculty of Law Undip. The 2nd and 3rd floors will be used for archives and warehouses, while the 1st floor is for the cafeteria.

sambutan rektor

Followed by remarks from the Undip Rector, Prof. Yos said that the late Mr. Woerjanto, S.H. was an Indonesian freedom fighter, who fought the Japanese invaders, he was also a figure who loved the country, and was also the former Mayor of Semarang. In every lecture he always instills the values of honesty and simplicity. With this archive building, it is hoped that it can provide great benefits for the Faculty of Law Undip. The last speech was delivered by a representative of the family, by Dr. Dra. Sri Busi Lestari. She expressed her deepest gratitude to all leaders of Diponegoro University and endless gratitude for His grace, for a tribute to the late Bp. Woerjanto, S.H. which was made the name of the Undip Faculty of Law Archive Building. The existence of this archive building is also expected to inspire the entire academic community of FH Undip.

The inauguration ceremony was closed with the signing of an inscription by the Undip Rector and the Dean of FH Undip accompanied by the Vice Deans of FH Undip. Followed by a walking session to review the Woerjanto, S.H. building facilities by Undip leaders, FH Undip leaders and invited guests.