Semarang, 05 March 2024 – The Faculty of Law Universitas Diponegoro (FH Undip) has held a Visiting Lecturer activity entitled “Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change: International Law and Global Governance”. This activity aims to discuss the impact of climate change on international human mobility as well as legal and global governance efforts that can be taken to deal with it. The event, which was held on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, online via Zoom Cloud Meeting, was attended by academics and students. This activity is a very valuable forum for exchanging views and knowledge on crucial issues related to climate change and human mobility.

Pemaparan materi Dr Mostafa

Present as a speaker on this occasion was Dr. Mostafa Naser from the School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University (ECU). In his presentation, Dr. Mostafa Naser emphasized that climate change and human mobility are a combination of cross-sectoral issues that must be of international concern. He added that Indonesia must have an interest in this issue, because as an archipelagic country, Indonesia will feel the earlier impact of climate change and its effect on human mobility.

Apart from that, in his conclusion, Dr. Mustafa Naser also stressed the importance of adopting a sensible long-term perspective on climate-related human mobility and the possibility of a global consensus emerging. The discussion participants were very enthusiastic about the presentation given, as seen from the participants’ participation in asking questions related to the material presented.

Foto Bersama Dr. Mostafa