On Thursday, January 18 2024, in the courtroom of the Prof. building. Dr. Satjipto Rahardjo, S.H. Tembalang Campus, the signing of the Undip Law Faculty Collaboration Agreement with the DPP of the Undip FH Alumni Association and PT. Justika Siar Politika (Online Law).
Also participating at the table signing the manuscript was the Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, FH Dr. Tri Laksmi Indreswari, S.H., M.H. (representing the Dean of FH Undip), who was accompanied by the Deputy Dean of Resources FH Solechan., S.H., M.H., Chair of the DPP IKA FH Undip Dr. Ahmad Redy, S.H., M.H. and PT. Justika Siar Publica (Online Law) represented by Chief Media & Engagement Officer Amri Hakim.
The event continued with the presentation of the award from Indonesia Top Law School Online Law in 2023 by Mr. Amri Hakim CMO Law Online to the Dean of FH Undip represented by the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs.
The presence of IKA FH Undip for the umpteenth time strengthened the relationship between Alumni and the Academic Community, as seen during the souvenir handover ceremony to FH lecturers who had retired in 2023:
1. Prof. Erlyn Indarti, S.H., M.A., Ph.D.
2. Lapon Tukan Leonard, S.H., M.A.
3. Purwoto, S.H., M.H.
4.Dr. Bambang Dwi Baskoro, S.H., M.H. (which represents)
Before the closing of the event, the Inauguration of the Online Law Corner at Undip’s Faculty of Law was also symbolically marked by cutting the ribbon by the Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs and the Chief of Online Legal Media & Engagement.